CMS Story - Monthly Ticket - May 2024




One of the most frequent questions webmasters must answer to entrepreneurs is the different type of production of their first website. Should they use a platform service to host their website, or should they build a site with custom functions? And what exactly is website management? 

This month, I'm taking the time to explain the pros and cons of the two types of website programming, the back of the machine that no one sees and in which we, the webmasters, work to offer you beautiful web pages.

In this Peach Edition, we also talk about the reach of digital media and tools in the low-cost marketing chronical #itSAMarketingThing, and the launch of new sites in the Office News column.

MusicScore : In line with the fruity music of the Monthly Tix of 2024, the peach-colored branding sends us directly to the song of the The Presidents of the United States of America - Peaches. Oh! I love the second part around 1:45 min, a chorus hummed so much! I can't see a peach without humming this refrain in my head, for 30 years... 

Get the complete list of Project 12 musical topics on the Youtube channel - The Fruit List Score.

The Monthly Ticket of May features the webmaster profession and website editing. Have a great time Marketers!

Webmaster experience 

Often, before making the decision on the type of website we are going to put online for a first company, either to work with a programmer who will make a custom site, or DIY or to work with a web editor and use a site platform and dress up the front of the pages, knowing the operations following the website release and the annual maintenance of the tool will greatly guide the decision of the type of website to produce. 

There are many ways, and budgets, and reasons, to run a professional website. However, different technical aspects and methods of content layout must be carried out in order to ensure a professional quality of the digital tool for visitors and to satisfy the capricious algorithms of search tools. 

Answering the question of who will take care of the site and the management once launched and understanding the necessary administrative side and the daily updates of the website will already guide us on the choice of using a custom site or a WordPress. Also, the experience and technical level of knowledge of the entrepreneur will be decisive when you think medium and long term for the enterprise. Maybe the company's first site will be on a WordPress, time to get used to the management tasks for the first couple of years, and then move on to a custom site with sophisticated options.


The Editorial promo features humoristic t-shirt model suggestions from an artificial intelligence tool. (AI; IA in French for intelligence artificielle).


2,318 words on website management 

To explain the management of a company's website and featuring the Web Edition Service of W+M, the Webmaster article has been restructured, revisited, redesigned, restudied and adjusted to the tastes and trends of 2024, in addition to adding information on policies and privacy, design and SEO according to Google's tastes of April 2024 and including reference articles of additional topics.   

Ok, I admit it, it's now my favorite professional essay I’ve ever written. I even put a personal MusicScore with an original composition. Happy reading and listening! 


Webmaster - Website maintenance

Do you run a website? Are you the person doing the programming and layout? I invite you to read this post about the profession of webmaster. My job for more than twenty-fiv..., mmm... Well, my job! ;) 

The following posts will give you more tips on how to manage your website, and even your social media and other virtual tools. 


The 10 annual audits of your digital tools 

The article on annual audits of digital sales tools, including a new section on tips for redistributing articles, products or content, will help you reactivate the vitality of your web pages in search tools. 


Webmaster's Monthly Columns: Office News 

Visiting a technical aspect of a website every month, the webmaster's chronicles will help you lighten your web maintenance tasks. Like a child's game! By the way, find the mystery object in each header image of the chronicle! 



#Meres & #Mothers are diamond. #TBT to a musical promo for Mother's Day. Share the moment. Prod and music  @JeffMaheuxMusique  W+M Services = #Quebec, #Canada #Web plus #Marketing


Presentation of the W+M story 

Since we're talking about website, let's not forget the company's branding and the colors and logo. It is my pleasure to present to you the new W+M brand image, dressed in raspberry pink and with a beautiful and remarkable identity. 

Here is the introductory article, which explains the design of the newly edited company logo and image on this beautiful brand-new website! 

In the article, you'll learn more about: 

  • The Usefulness of Logo and Branding for Businesses  

  • Advice in color choices, lettering and logo look  

  • Identification of display locations and preparation for graphic designers  

  • Example of branding presentation and integration  

  • Public Presentation and Corporate Identity Disclosure 


The W+M Logo

To conclude this image creation file, I believe that the important thing is to think about customizing your colors and your logo first and foremost. They represent your company, your values, and your future.

For example, this W+M logo has a Web + Marketing title, because the company name is not explanatory of products and services. The logo therefore does not include a design that would have weighed down the content. However, if your company name mentions the product, or the company name is very long, your logo may not need a title, or even lettering, but only a drawing. Think of the Pepsi or Nike logo.

No matter what you choose to wear and your logo, the important thing is to be proud of it and wear it well, like a new shirt. 


Monthly Partner Advertising

The chronicle of different and low-cost marketing for startups, businesses and entrepreneurs. It’s a marketing story is told every month in the Monthly Ticket of the Marketing Blog.


Chronicle 5: Know the scope of your digital tools 

Whether you're looking for partnerships or business relationships, or whether you're looking to measure the value of your business in the first few months of its life when it's difficult to have data and statistics, it's only natural to wonder about the reach of our digital business tools. 

While statistics allow us to know visitor habits, what about the reach of our content, and how it distributes information, such as social media, subscription emails, employee communications emails, and other quantifiable means of virtual disclosure? 

I would like to inform you of the procedure I follow when accounting for the digital reach of a media. 

Budget: $0; This involves making a list of all the means we use to circulate information about our products and services, establishing how many items have been sent and how many people can see or read the document. 

Of course, it's easy to visit the stats sections of all of the company's social media outlets and check the reports of number of plays, clicks, and views (which is commonly referred to as reach). As well as the number of subscribers to our mailing lists and the number of email opens. 

Tip: For entrepreneurs who are just starting the communication process of the company, and for people who are starting a new social media, in order to monitor the progress, I recommend putting the information in an Excel file, which is easy afterwards to make comparisons and do an annual check to see the highlights of the year. 

Tools: Here is an example of an Excel file used for W+M with dummy data for the first quarter. The compilation is done for the number of visits to the website and social media Facebook or META ads were made in the month of March, which is what explains a large number in the total reach of the Facebook media for the month of March that does not come from normal posts.

There are several automated reports that will give you more information on terms and ways to calculate your reach, depending on your type of business and your prospects. Of course, a company that bases its revenue on the reach of its communications will need to have detailed reports. 

I conclude this column by inviting you to visit the Sales section to discover reach and the impact of the first few months of social media on the Marketing Blog. 

I'll leave sources here for more information: 

Contenu sur les médias sociaux : les métriques à analyser pour votre stratégie from Maxence Pezzetta for My Little Big Web. (French article: Social Media Content: Metrics to Analyze for Your Strategy). 

Comment mesurer la portée médiatique de vos campagnes RP ? from Paul-Louis Valat for Meltwater. Written in 2020 and still very relevant. (French article: How to measure the media reach of your PR campaigns?)

Apprenez à calculer et à améliorer le reach marketing de vos messages publicitaires from Sendpulse. (French article: Learn how to calculate and improve the marketing reach of your advertising messages). 

Access all the #itSAMarketingThing Columns with the new category : Visit here Marketers!

Office News. The chronicle of the daily digital activities on virtual sales tools published in the Monthly Tickets of the Marketing Blog.


The Webmaster Serie


No 5:  The Websites transfer

How was the first quarter of 2024? For the W+M office, the month of April involved administrative operations for the company that took place gradually within the month. Like the implementation of the new W+M Raspberry Branding, the programming of the information web pages (policies and confidentiality, subscription and membership process, addition of an About page) as well as the necessary operations of updating information in the corporate paperwork. 

Since all that remained was to write a final article on the transfer of a website to a new hosting, I decided to dedicate this May Webmaster column to this. Here's this Office News topic: websites transfer.   

Prepare the reception of the site on the new hosting provider

Here, I'm using the transfer of a website to the Squarespace hosting creation system. No matter which hosting system you receive, such as Wix, WordPress or others, the steps to follow once your site has arrived on the hosting system are pretty much the same and beginners' information is easily found in the hosts' information and FAQ databases. 

Like an apartment…

Cleaning before you leave

Before I do the site transfer, if it's a transfer I need to make, I always go through the image libraries, downloaded PDFs, and other documents to clean up. I don't like to drag material that is no longer online and lying around libraries, for example, to the new platform. I do the same if there are databases of customers, blog posts, and store inventory that have only been one color size left for 11 months. I'm also thinking of checking the groupings, tags and categories to revise, update and rename what is overdue. 

Check-in rounds on arrival 

Once the back-end portion of the site has been transferred to the new location, I go around again to make sure that everything on the front-end side is compliant. For the past few years, it is mainly the SEO content in articles that are more than 4 to 5 years old that I check a lot, since some hosting packages we’re not including SEO function at that time; some portions of SEO settings don't transfer correctly, or simply don't. It is then necessary to redo partial transfers or question the importance of referencing aged content on the new site. 

Remember to test and visit your site on all devices - laptop, tablet and mobile 

Once the site has been well edited, tested and verified, I then plan the announcement of the launch via all communication distribution channels: social media, emails to members and customers, writing a blog post, press release and a paid marketing campaign, if necessary. 

More launch ideas to discover 

I invite you to read the full column to discover digital marketing tips that will improve the performance of your new website and visibility in search tools. 


Read the complete Webmaster Column here



Theme of the month: Paid advertising

Launch date: June 1, 2024; the material must be received by May 31, 2024.

Advertising banners available on the day of the release:

2 banners displayed on the professional article, on sale now for the release campaign of the season (13 individual weeks or Season pack). Contact for more info.

1 partnership of the Monthly ticket/editorial, unique advertisement with no end date. 12 months, all available for 2024. Contact for more info.

June 2024 - Paid advertising

Beyond any doubt, every company will have to use the services of digital paid advertising campaigns at one point or another in its existence (paid referencing, or SEA). 

From its launch in a business plan, we must establish a campaign budget at the virtual level in our companies, just as we prepare administrative documents and a brand identity with logo and colors to present our businesses. 

Of course, we shouldn't just use digital marketing to promote a brand, and a campaign doesn't just launch at any time. 

To prepare our next promotions and, above all, have an adequate budget, we are going to use the month of June, which is often quieter in several areas, to look at the popular paid Ad Services. Don’t worry, in the marketing world, we are never quiet, we always see possibilities at any time of the year. 

Visit the Media Kit


April 2024 ended with another professional year in my career. I'm wrapping up this May monthly by starting my 26th year as a digital marketing professional via the webmaster career. 

We're evolving, aren't we? I am also in the middle of thinking about the choice of W+M values to be displayed in the About-Us section and continuous learning will be one of the 5 values that will be displayed soon. I'll let you know the others soon. 

Thank you,



Contenu sur les médias sociaux : les métriques à analyser pour votre stratégie from Maxence Pezzetta for My Little Big Web. (French article: Social Media Content: Metrics to Analyze for Your Strategy). 

Comment mesurer la portée médiatique de vos campagnes RP ? from Paul-Louis Valat for Meltwater. Written in 2020 and still very relevant. (French article: How to measure the media reach of your PR campaigns?)

Apprenez à calculer et à améliorer le reach marketing de vos messages publicitaires from Sendpulse. (French article: Learn how to calculate and improve the marketing reach of your advertising messages). 

Cr Images: W+M Services

Monthly Ticket and Editorial Theme: Under The Clouds by JM Musique

Office News Music Theme: Florinda by JM Musique

Mother’s Day Theme: Men, by JM Musique

Production: W+M Services