Webmaster Column - Office News - No 3: Press Room and Media Section


The Webmaster Serie



Yes, last month, the website went on a shopping run for a new evening and press conference outfit. I believe that this is due to the creation of new pages in the Footer Section dedicated to the press, the media and the gallery of official corporate images to content producers. Here is the webmaster column of the month: the press and media section.

The webmaster column on the use of websites on a daily basis, Office News, presents: 2024-03, Press Room and Media Section.

Material Disclosure Sections 


I am often asked when, in the process of starting a business, you should plan to make a section for the press and media public.  And I answered: since yesterday! 

Let me explain: as soon as the identity of the company is created virtually, whether it is through the publication of a first website, the first page of a social media or even an application, it is in our interest to create a virtual press room to refer media requests and to disclose official material, company images and logos and other presentation documents. Why not using this additional promotion opportunity.  


Organization of the press section 

A well-defined press and media section will enhance your image and virtual representation, in addition to streamlining your material distribution and email response operations, while allowing every journalist, communications and marketing workers to quickly access your official and corporate information, news and press releases, and especially your images and logo. These images are often needed in the publication of news and current affairs in the media. 

If you only knew how many times a day news editors must come up with images and visuals to publish articles. Believe me, when I receive a press release with a link to an updated media section with images to easily put online in few minutes. You know, everyone likes to work with a well-organized team or company, and in the field of communications, that means to provide elements that facilitate the distribution of the information, with news, images and sections for the press and media members. 


Sample of a Presentation for the Media 

The media section of the website of my personal website, created last week, is simple and the design is neutral and unpretentious. It was programmed in a literary style for a product intended for the arts and entertainment. It includes a presentation of the musical project, a bio of the artist, contact and booking elements and important information and dates for the rest of the project. 

However, it can serve as a template for any business, product, and service, since the information in this section to the media is generally the same, regardless of your company's market orientation. 


List of Elements of an Effective Media Material Distribution Section 

With all due respect to my communications colleagues, sometimes the job and deadlines force us to cut corners… Receiving a well-edited press release makes a big difference! That's why my intention, when I write material for the media, is to give them a ready to use information, and in addition, I always add 2 more links that will make the life of each journalist or news publisher and distributor easier. I know, I’m a friendly media kind.


I want my communications world to be pampered when they work with me. You know, podcast hosts, content creators, and web editors of multiple news features a day, especially for print media, can't always wait for your reply email to obtain an official image before publishing. Sometimes editors take a generic image to meet deadlines and oops, your announcement punch and your brand image just took a hit, or rather missed it yep! I invite all of us to make life easier for communications members. This doesn't mean offering them tickets and picking them up by taxi to your event, but providing them organized tools, adequate images and texts, to help promote your product. That’s what a virtual press room does. Don't worry, media members will have all they need to publish your news. Also remember press editors will adore when you send out your press releases, knowing that you're organized!

Well, now that being said… you know, you can send me rock band concert tickets if you want. I can pretend to be famous no prob. ;)


Here are the elements I suggest in your webpage for media and members of the press: 

  • Your page title and 20-word advertising text 

  • A blurb or a résumé, usually the same as the press release. 

  • Website & Social Media Links 

  • A list or gallery of projects 

  • The section of official images and logos. Note that I present photos that are already the size required for most social media and each image is available in French and English versions. 

  • The company's general information section. Here, for this art project, it is a biography, but the history and mission of the company are usually written in this section. 

  • The useful links section, i.e. links to additional information that will help understand your business, the slogan and hashtags, what to follow to stay up to date on your project and a resource person for your media requests. 


Monthly Partner Advertising

Hey Marketers,

Did you find this Chocolate Guy in the head picture of this article already?

Yep! Look carefully to find all Color Fruit Family members in the Office News Chronicles.

Yes, choco is a fruit for webmasters!


I'll end this column by inviting you to visit my media section and let me know what you think of this virtual newsroom: https://www.jeffmaheux.com/media-en

Let’s talk in the next Office News column,


Cr Images: W+M Services

Music Theme: Florinda by JM Musique

Production: W+M Services

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Websites - creation, management and design 

I edit the content of existing sites via CMS in addition to creating sites with WordPress and Squarespace. I have been producing website content as a webmaster since 1998. 

I help companies get their first website up and I improve the performance of existing sites.  

Yes, I'm Mr. Analytics and my reaction time to new digital marketing is daily, which allows my clients to have optional and trend-cutting tools.  

Although I know programming for website building, I delegate programming tasks to a senior level by intermediary internal department to ensure a better price for my clients. 

Follow the content of the marketing blog and participate in the articles by commenting, with respect, on the content of the site, intended for Quebec companies operating in the digital market.